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 38 yrs old .. is it too late to become commercial airline pilot
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Posted on 02-11-25 11:31 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Since the retirement age for pilots have gone up, do you think its too late to start from scratch?? I have heard if u finish ur flyinh hrs before time it is possible . But age is the the factor here . Should i jump at this age ?? 🙏
Posted on 02-11-25 11:35 AM     [Snapshot: 9]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Now i am only pilot baba like amrish puri .. but i really wanna fly commercially in the future . Has anyone know heard seen who succesfully have landed in this job at this age ??
Posted on 02-11-25 11:46 AM     [Snapshot: 39]     Reply [Subscribe]
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you can as a hobby but as a profession 38 is almost time to retire , since you are in TPS nobody hires you in the US .its hard to get hired in NEPAL since there is backlog of commercial pilots .

you can definitely fly in uganda , somalia , chad or similar countries .
Posted on 02-11-25 12:07 PM     [Snapshot: 66]     Reply [Subscribe]
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1)Son if u become airline pilot you will automatically acquire GC .
2) Are you out of your mind why would i fly in nepal if i had become pilot here ?
3) people who doesnt have any ambitions will always discourage you .
Posted on 02-11-25 12:31 PM     [Snapshot: 120]     Reply [Subscribe]
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How did you know he was in TPS?

Tough situations create new opportunities though. Good luck! Anything is possible at any age if you are determined 

Last edited: 11-Feb-25 12:31 PM

Posted on 02-11-25 12:36 PM     [Snapshot: 102]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Son if u become airline pilot you will automatically acquire GC". One of the reasons u r still in tps is lack of brain . Being a pilot dosenot qualify you for green . U still need employment based green card just like others n nobody hires u in tps in already saturated market .

Or you have to go through Niw , freahers dosenot qualuify for niw , by time u have qualifications for niw , you will already be 50 .

Seems like ur intentions to become pilot is just to get a green card . Forget about gc u need to be in active f1 or m1 visa status to be pilot student which seems u have already lost but im nit sure , also 100k usd for fees and accomodation .

Not discouraging you, if you have money , u still can be commercial pilit , you can go countries like philipines , south africa if u r out of status after tps , its cheaper there .

Posted on 02-11-25 12:54 PM     [Snapshot: 115]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Not an issue if you can successfully pass tests on medical conditions like some forms of diabetes or high blood pressure or vision(eye) problems and so forth. I'm a big fan of bush pilots.


Posted on 02-11-25 2:27 PM     [Snapshot: 297]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its all about money, if you have plenty of money its not a big deal . Since , you already 38 , you must have big savings so even easier for you .

But as pandit said, getting pilot license and getting a job as a foreigner in the US are two different things to talk about . if you are a US citizen, and have plenty of money ,go for it , don't let age factor pull you behind achieve you dreams.

Every circumstances are different . If you could share your financial strengths , legal status , family support etc so we can advise you better.


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