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 The elite pedophile network
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Posted on 12-26-24 7:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 12-26-24 9:58 PM     [Snapshot: 83]     Reply [Subscribe]
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your "less worse option" is involved too


Judge a king by his courtiers. Jeffrey Epstein was a sexual blackmailer. Roy Cohn was one too. Both men raped children. Cohn was Donald Trump’s mentor. Trump still sings his praises. Epstein was also a friend of Trump. Cohn and Epstein may have been part of the same blackmail network. By David Burke.

Donald Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn, was a paedophile who abused boys on both sides of the Atlantic, including a victim from Kincora Boys’ Home in Belfast, Northern Ireland, called Richard Kerr. Cohn selected Kerr in Belfast and had him trafficked to Venice for sexual abuse.

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The mere fact of the trip to Venice demolishes the findings of a series of official inquiries  into the Kincora scandal. The cover-up continue to this day.

Jeffrey Epstein, another child rapist, was a friend of Trump for years.

There is a common thread between the Kerr case, Cohn’s activities and, in more recent times, those of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell: child trafficking and a disturbing refusal by British and American authorities to investigate their cases properly.

Cohn was part of a sexual blackmail network with intelligence links which later involved Epstein and Maxwell.

Posted on 12-27-24 7:20 AM     [Snapshot: 212]     Reply [Subscribe]
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In life you meet a lot of people but you cannot guarantee what they do in their own private lives. So Trump has met a lot of these people but that does not confirm his participation in pedophilia. Its just speculations. While the other team is pretty much confirmed with pictures of their satanic rituals, podesta files, pizza gate and hunter biden laptop. 
Last edited: 27-Dec-24 08:45 AM

Posted on 12-29-24 9:19 PM     [Snapshot: 625]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Pedophilia (including homosexual version of it) can probably traced back to the male-only organization of people for various missions during Age of Exploration, Colonization, army drafts, mass incarcerations etc. all being products of the Western civilization. Now this is a part of culture here.

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