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 Nepal TPS Has an Advantage Over Venezuela TPS
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Posted on 02-03-25 10:39 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nepalese TPS holders have a clear advantage over Venezuelans due to their long-term presence in the U.S.
Since 2015, Nepalese have built strong roots, establishing businesses, pursuing higher education, and securing jobs at top companies like Google and Microsoft. Many have been in the U.S. for over 10 years, making them eligible for Cancellation of Removal under 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(b)(1)—a relief Venezuelans largely don’t qualify for.
Unlike other groups, Nepalese involvement in crime is negligible, showing their commitment to lawfulness and stability. While DHS has given Venezuelans only a 60-day notice with no transition period, Nepalese TPS holders may have stronger legal standing for a phased transition or possible extension. Given their contributions and reliance interests, DHS must weigh the significant hardships that would result from abruptly ending Temporary Protected Status for Nepal.

Posted on 02-03-25 10:47 PM     [Snapshot: 14]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree with u but thats wat we think but not Trump admin.Haiti,hondurus n other countries were granted TPS 20 yrs before but still Trump admin tried to end in his first term.There will b lawsuit for sure but compared to other countries Nepal case looks weak so the best option is to mix with other countries n file case to make it stronger.Lets see.lawsuit huncha guaranteed tara kasari halcha future ma thaha huncha.but we will get some time for sure but dont expect it to b like 3,4 yrs.
Posted on 02-05-25 4:35 PM     [Snapshot: 538]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am more concerned about the fact that the automatic extension for the EAD is march 9, 2025 and many people including myself have not received a new EAD with the expiration of june 2025.
Posted on 02-05-25 4:52 PM     [Snapshot: 585]     Reply [Subscribe]
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sajhabus112 when did you apply for re-registration?
Posted on 02-05-25 9:21 PM     [Snapshot: 812]     Reply [Subscribe]
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june 2024. received TPS approval but no update on EAD application.
Posted on 02-06-25 8:46 AM     [Snapshot: 1064]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Venezula haru dherai drugs, gangs and mafia sangha connection vetiyako cha. Nepali ko testo chaina. Dont give up hope
Posted on 02-06-25 8:51 AM     [Snapshot: 1067]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Rockb i feel u.Hope ko kura hoina yesma.U got to go with the Reality.what trump did in First Term ani what his Project 2025 is and what he has been saying loud n clear.Nepal homduras lagayat arulae first term ma terminate nagareko bhae yes chance bhanna sakinthyo but now the whole system in with him.
Posted on 02-06-25 9:06 AM     [Snapshot: 1086]     Reply [Subscribe]
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House athwa Seanta matra pani Trumple najiteko bhae usko bill pass garna Dem sanga deal garnae parthyo kunae na kunae kurama but now since he got the majority on both n Supreme Court ma uskae cha majority so yo sab kura lae pani madya najar rakhera get back to F1 Asap before its too late.Coz hamle transitiom time paucha 6 months lawsuit 100% huncha sab time add garyo bhane abt 2/3 yrs bhanumna so get back to ur status asap.
Posted on 02-06-25 9:25 AM     [Snapshot: 1112]     Reply [Subscribe]
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2/3 barsa ma kunai pani lawsuit sakinna Accomodation. Supreme court ma majority nai bhaye ni Supreme court pugda pugdai 3-4 barsa lacha. Ani Trump le Senate ra house jite pani democrats sanga deal garnai parcha in normal scenario. Senate ma 60 vote threshold huncha budget reconciliation bahek. Budget ma sabai agenda pass garn pani sakdaina. Tehi ni house ma 3-4 seat ko majority cha. Democrats ko support nabhai tehi budget bill pani pass nahola jasto cha. Don't worry so much.
Posted on 02-06-25 10:26 AM     [Snapshot: 1227]     Reply [Subscribe]
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U right ShreeRam i didnt want to go all on detail.just wanted people not to have expectations of extensions unless there is some sort of deal dat comes up with dems. duting the time of extension.Extension chae hudaena tyo chae 100000% guaranteed ho.
Posted on 02-06-25 10:40 AM     [Snapshot: 1267]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Maanche haru JPT logic lagaera extension ko hope garcha bhanya bujdae nabuji.ani arko kura 2,3 yrs bhaneko average time ho lawsuit ko it can go maybe 4,5 yrs too but maybe hai fere.So just pray that it last until the end of Trump presidency n the new President frm Dem comes.Dats all.
Posted on 02-06-25 1:05 PM     [Snapshot: 1442]     Reply [Subscribe]
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2-3 barsa ma lawsuit sakinna. Look at DACA. 10 barsa kati sakyo hola ajhai sakeko chaina. Supreme court le ni yesta case haru li haldaina ani feri lower court ma pathaucha. Ani feri supreme court samma pugda pugdai time jancha. Court ko kam chitai hune bhaidya bhaye sabai kura prove bhai sake pachi pani death row ma manche haru 25-30 barsa basdainathe holan.

Tara extension ta kunai halat ma pani gardaina Trump admin le. Baru TPS lai leverage banara naya ali strict deals chai pass garna sakcha democrats le mane bhane. Ahile party ma lastai division cha democrats haru ko. Immigration lai kehi pass pani huna sakcha moderates haru mile bhane. ICE le arrest gareko manche haru capacity bhanda badhi bho bhanera chodna thalyo re ta. Yestai technical difficulties haru tannai aauchan bistarai. Feri economy ma pani affect garcha bistarai ani sab tone change huncha. Never say never about anything. 
Last edited: 06-Feb-25 01:09 PM

Posted on 02-06-25 2:28 PM     [Snapshot: 1553]     Reply [Subscribe]
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dont know if u guys do remember last time when Adhikaar filed the lawsuit.Lower court sided with Trump and we lost it.Tyo decesionle pani ahileko naya lawsuitlae asar garcha.So the best hope is just to pray that the case lasts until the end of Trump presidency n we get new president frm Dems.
Posted on 02-06-25 2:29 PM     [Snapshot: 1555]     Reply [Subscribe]
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By that time hopefully people will have already get their status adjusted n get their GC.
Posted on 02-06-25 3:53 PM     [Snapshot: 1670]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last time lower court le bhanda pani 9th circuit le decision deko thyo, tara full bench request garya thiye. Tesko decision kahile ni bhayena. Biden le TPS badhaidiyera tyo case nai moot bhako thyo. Yestai huncha legal kura haru. Aba feri lawsuit file garda tehi puranai decision hune garera kina file garthe ra? Attorneys haru le milai halchan ni. Tara I agree with you. TPS ko khasai future chai chaina.

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