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 Car battery in a frozen area
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Posted on 02-19-21 5:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey guys,

My car has been sitting in below zero Fahrenheit for a couple of weeks and now won't start.
Is it wise to jumpstart it while its still freezing outside? I read it might explode if the liquid is frozen. How to go about getting it back to normal and running? Please advise!
Posted on 02-19-21 7:19 PM     [Snapshot: 69]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If your car has been sitting in frigid cold temperature for 2 weeks and it does not start then it’s time to garbage that car and get a new one . You sound like u have been using old Hyundai or kia (Korean model)
Try DHAMAALstyle where arsad warsi gives a solid kick and the car starts spontaneously.
Posted on 02-19-21 7:52 PM     [Snapshot: 103]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@butternut squash : I wish i could just dump it, but its been with me for a while so some emotional attachment won't let me throw it away just like that. I think there's still some life in it. I liked that warsi-idea though ><
Posted on 02-20-21 10:01 AM     [Snapshot: 252]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@SRV44: It depends on the place where you are in, In Northern location like where I am right now, we have batteries that have little more cold crank ampere.

I believe (I might be wrong) using jumper cable and starting the car during below freezing should be fine but please use your wise decision on doing so.

In northern states we generally jump start even in freezing temperature without any hiccups.
Posted on 02-20-21 12:06 PM     [Snapshot: 317]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Right. I am in Chicago as my name gives it away. I have jumped cars in extremely cold weathers without any problem. But if you are Texas now, I am not sure how they do things over there, the amount of antifreeze etc.

Why not give a call to a carx or something nearby and get their opinion?
Posted on 02-20-21 5:34 PM     [Snapshot: 417]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Agree with @chicagoan

If you have roadside assistance, you can call them and have them jump start the car as well in your auto insurance; They might have bit of a knowledge as well
Posted on 02-20-21 9:41 PM     [Snapshot: 503]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you have electrical power outlet near your car or can draw a power extension, you can try using an engine block heater. It's a little heater that you can stick to the bottom oil pan and it will warm up your engine before you can crank it


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