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interesting fact about sajha.
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Posted on 01-15-10 12:25
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Are not you people looking for something to see what is interesting thread today. some are here to see news while some are here for discussion and argue all day long sitiing infront of computer. while some have already started thinking this guy is psychooooo, but this is all sajha about. U guys are hidden faces with names, disguised human part am otherside of you, who, can say anything in this world, i mean computer world. i see some pussy freaks while some being decent and respectful to woman. A lot of u hate maoist and prachanda. Some shout wtf when you see videos posted and sometimes bitching sexy in sari this that, this is amazing. I see a family of people who talk in chatbox and deepu and rahulbhai's stories in chautari. i cant forget raju161 even said he was quiting sajha but came back again being a man, no offense raju161 if u r reading, i know you will read and start wtf and bla bla, you can off course, no problem body, smile raju smile, and others like DD, nightelf, geology tiger, comment and lotta them will just watch the drama and smile , some of you will be like this is all BS. Some users just read thread do not have account or has account but uses only for carfax, for F1 or H1 help, while others will be what is this, i know truthspeaker will say this when he sees this but no worries buddy, this is the way i am , i am the way i am as eminem said, not any intention of plagarism or copyright violeteeed, dam i am high, wtf, oh Dox what up man, ani ma k bhandai thiye re ...uh yaha samma padeko ho bhanne tapai lai mero essay sajha ko barema kasto lagyo comment hannus hai, justo bhaye ni huncha, its u weither you see glass empty or full, dam shitya gayo hai, lol, :D so, guys,djasjdsjljsalsahjlsjldjf, did you know what that means, i need help oh not seriously what does that mean, sajha has every answer and i know somebody will find its meaning origin , who wrote it first, and history about our civilation, that many talents are in sajha, and you are also one of them, who makes sajha a great get together, where we like visit sajha either eating rice or smoking pot. i love sajha and all u users who support sajha and San u are a god who made this public forum a best forum or get together after MASTISHARE.com. i know every modafockers out there go to that website, dam man i cant beleive i am saying this, well so , san dai thanxz for effort and thanxz to everybody who support sajha, admistration, users, u too raju161 and buddy truthseaker, and all other who smoke and enjoy the freedom and all nepali brothers and sisters, i dont know many gradma's, have fun in sajha. One of user 8848m jai nepal. take care.
Last edited: 15-Jan-10 01:33 PM
Narayangarh suburb
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Posted on 01-15-10 4:14
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True. Very True bro. you sound high, even higher than 8848. I wish I can smoke some. For you essay, I enjoyed reading and if its the thought you made use of your first stick, hats off to that powder. Good friday broda.
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Posted on 01-15-10 5:52
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looks like that pot hit u hard from the middle of the essay, was very interesting till the middle part but u started trippin thereafter. anyways A for ur essays lol
Last edited: 15-Jan-10 05:52 PM
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Posted on 01-15-10 6:09
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you are freaking high broda.
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Posted on 01-16-10 3:44
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That's why I like smoking with you man.....you are high while writing this but you are writing truth.
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Posted on 01-16-10 9:47
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I am sittin' on the clouds, I got smoke comin' from my seat I can play basketball with the moon, I got the whole world at my feet Playin' touch football, on marijuana street Or, in a marijuana field, you are so beneathe my cleets Get high, so high, that I... feel... like... flying Down in a cigar, roll me up and smoke me 'cause... (I feel like dying)
Only once the drugs are done, that I feel like flying ... I feel like flying
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Posted on 01-20-10 11:07
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Greetings from Ace Express Tavel Services P.Ltd. Katmandu, Nepal. We hereby proudly introduce ourselves as one of the leading company in providing all sought of traveling solution. I would like to know about H2B & H1B visa proccess from their genuien company? Thanking you and I am appreciate with your kind attention. Uttam Tripathi, Assistant Manager, Ace Express Travel Service P Ltd. (Complete Travel Solution) G.P.O.Box : 21635, Thamel, Katmandu, Nepal, Toll Free No.: 16600-100700, Tel: +977-1-4423935, 4423939(Off), Cell No: +977 9841 381 373 Email: acetravelservices9@gmail.com, tomtripathi@gmail.com, uttam_tripathi@hotmail.com, uttam_tripathi2003@yahoo.com, uttam@acetravel.com.np, Website: www.acetravel.com.np
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Posted on 01-20-10 11:09
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Greetings from Ace Express Tavel Services P.Ltd. Katmandu, Nepal. We hereby proudly introduce ourselves as one of the leading company in providing all sought of traveling solution. I would like to know about H2B & H1B visa proccess from their genuien company? Thanking you and I am appreciate with your kind attention. Uttam Tripathi, Assistant Manager, Ace Express Travel Service P Ltd. (Complete Travel Solution) G.P.O.Box : 21635, Thamel, Katmandu, Nepal, Toll Free No.: 16600-100700, Tel: +977-1-4423935, 4423939(Off), Cell No: +977 9841 381 373 Email: acetravelservices9@gmail.com, tomtripathi@gmail.com, uttam_tripathi@hotmail.com, uttam_tripathi2003@yahoo.com, uttam@acetravel.com.np, Website: www.acetravel.com.np
Narayangarh suburb
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Posted on 01-21-10 1:41
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TOM DICK and HARRY? :O abueeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Posted on 11-24-24 8:13
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