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 News Summary from Nepal for Saturday, January 18, 2025
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Posted on 01-18-25 9:00 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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All your Nepali news in one page!

Bringing your favorite news into one place January 18, 2025!

The Kathmandu Post | Read online latest news and articles from Nepal

  • Opposition parties intensify call for PM’s resignation

  • Allege moral failures, rising impunity for corruption, rule through ordinance, and growing public frustration.

  • WHO lab confirms clade IIb mpox in two Saudi Arabia returnee Nepalis

  • One patient has recovered, the other remains in hospital.

  • Lawmakers voice concern about deferrals in hearing petition against 2020-21 appointments in constitutional bodies

  • National Human Rights Commission officials urge lawmakers to pressure the government into introducing the bill to amend NHRC Act in Parliament.

  • Kailash Manasarovar Yatra set to resume in June after 5-year gap

  • India and China’s special representatives’ meet in Beijing on December 18 reaffirmed commitment to pilgrimage.

    Nepal's Digital Newspaper :: नेपालको डिजिटल पत्रिका :: Setopati

    कान्तिपुर - नेपालको राष्ट्रिय दैनिक, Online News and articles from Kantipur Daily

  • जनशक्ति अभावले कर्णाली अस्पतालमा मिर्गौला प्रत्यारोपण सेवा ठप्प
  • जनशक्ति अभावले प्रदेश अस्पताल सुर्खेतमा सुरु भएको मिर्गौला प्रत्यारोपण सेवा ६ महिनादेखि ठप्प भएको छ । गत असार २६ गते दुई जनाको सफल मिर्गौला प्रत्यारोपण भएपनि त्यसयता प्रदेश अस्पतालमा यो सेवा अवरुद्ध छ ।

  • उत्तर-दक्षिण कोशी राजमार्ग खुल्यो
  • सुक्खा पहिरोले अवरुद्ध उत्तर–दक्षिण कोशी सडकअन्तर्गत संखुवासभाको भोटखोला गाउँपालिका–३ सेम्बुङमा खाँदबारी–किमाथांका सडक खण्ड एक दिनपछि पुनःसञ्चालनमा आएको छ ।


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