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Captain Haddock
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 Restaurant Review
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Posted on 01-08-06 8:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its been a while since we had a thread on restaurants in Sajha so I thought it might be nice to talk about any places you have been to lately that you liked or did not like:

My picks (mostly in the Boston Area):

- Cafe Sushi, Harvard Square, Cambridge: Decent and inexpensive dining for people too busy (read lazy ) to cook dinner like myself. There is a pretty good variety of food and it is very moderately priced. Their meal sets (salmon, chicken) are pretty good. However, the Sushi bar could use a little sprucing - half the displays were empty when I last went.

- Blue Fin, Porter Sqare, Cambridge: I went to this place after a long time and it seems to have become really good. There is a parking lot behind the restaurant for like a dollar for 2 hours or something. Great sushi, maki, teriyaki and salads.

- Koreana, Broadway, Cambridge: No traces of the apparent fire that was supposed to have shut the restaurant down. Spruced up decor. Great pork and chicken bulgogi. Fire up the grill for some thrill :)

Kathmandu Kitchen, Davis, CA: If you can make really good home-cooked Nepali food, the food here might not be to your liking as I found out from a friend who I went to the restaurant with. For those who dont get to eat decent Nepali food very often (my wretched self included), the dal-bhat-tarkari-masu special might be worth the hour long drive from San Francisco.

Martsa on Elm, Davis Square, Somerville, MA : Nice Tibetan restaurant - great momos and chicken chilly. Nice decor.

I have a couple of other interesting in mind but would love to hear from others. Anyone go to any place interesting lately?
Posted on 01-08-06 9:45 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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	at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(ThreadPool.java:320)
	at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable(ThreadPool.java:428)
	at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(ThreadPool.java:266)
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Captain Haddock
Posted on 01-08-06 9:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey Nepali - There is an Afghan restaurant by the same name in Cambridge and according to an article in the Boston Globe a couple of years ago, it is owned by Hamid Karzai's sister. I wonder if the two restaurants have anything to do with each other as far as ownership goes. This one in Cambrdige had a lot of grilled/roasted food and a very good wine list.
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Posted on 01-08-06 10:02 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Captain Haddock,

Small World eh? The one in San Francisco is owned by Karzai's brother...hence the name Helmund..it is the name of their ancestral village.
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