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 Nepal and India to Accept "overstaying citizens"
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Posted on 01-28-25 8:37 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trump wants overstaying Nepalese and Indians sent back. He spoke to the Prime Ministers of Nepal and India. India agrees to take back 750,000 Indians overstaying and undocumented in the U.S.

Posted on 01-28-25 9:07 AM     [Snapshot: 63]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ooieee fantoooosh
Posted on 01-28-25 9:17 AM     [Snapshot: 86]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sexy In Sari does not endorse or disseminate conspiracy theories, misinformation, or false rumors directed at the Nepali community during these challenging times in the United States. Any opinions expressed are solely those of the author and are based on publicly available news and information from reliable sources. This content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, professional, or official advice. Sexy In Sari disclaims any liability for actions taken based on the information provided.

Posted on 01-28-25 9:40 AM     [Snapshot: 133]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Dhrubha sigdel she shares real information it might be positive or negative.If you like fairytale you should go listen to swastani brata Katha

There is already huge inflation .Price of food are already up because they start deporting hard working migraine workers.Workers have already stopped going to work because of fear of ice.That might affect happy Maga  consumers and Maga bussinessowners .

Last edited: 28-Jan-25 09:46 AM

Posted on 01-28-25 10:59 AM     [Snapshot: 251]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Deportation flights have been a consistent part of U.S. immigration policy across multiple administrations, both Democratic and Republican. The current administration is more vocal about these actions to signal toughness on immigration. Remember, Obama administration deported a lot more people than Trump’s last administration.
Posted on 01-28-25 12:08 PM     [Snapshot: 360]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mathematically speaking there are 20000 ice officers.maybe 12000 are actively working in field .most people they can catch in a day is 1500.if they do that everyday it will be 500000 in a year.in 4 years it will be 2 million .total undocumented is around 15 million .they can't even do 1/4 if they do in maximum efficiency. But I don't think they will continue to do 1500 per day.They will stop after major criminals get arrested.they are just showing up in the beginning. ice arrest will be same as biden era after few months that Is around 400 per day .People don't have to be scared because they need workers and it's not feasible
Posted on 01-28-25 12:44 PM     [Snapshot: 424]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The problem is not ICE or undocumented people. The problem is the States that are keeping undocumented criminals out of jail and not following State or federal laws.

The Border Czar himself admitted in a CNN interview that 500 people without any criminal history have been deported. He also said he has warned states to keep criminals in jail and that ICE will come and take them. If states don't follow through, ICE will pick up whoever comes their way.

Posted on 01-28-25 1:46 PM     [Snapshot: 543]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 28-Jan-25 01:49 PM

Posted on 01-28-25 4:13 PM     [Snapshot: 692]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Haina yo kasari naya khabar bhayo? Nepal ra India le jahile ni deport bhayeka aafno citizen ta lekai thiye ta.
Posted on 01-29-25 9:08 PM     [Snapshot: 1557]     Reply [Subscribe]
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MCC pass bhai sakyo.aba nepal ma tanker lageni nepal sarkar le kei garna sakdaina.army plane ma manche transport garnu ta kei haina

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